The Eight Principles of Information Architecture by Matt Holla

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Learn about information architecture—how designers and product managers build an IA using design principles, as well as IA tools and best practices. Information architecture is an invaluable component of good user experience design. It allows your users to navigate your digital products without feeling lost or disoriented. While the definition of information architecture is relatively well-established in the field of systems design, it is much more debatable within the context of online information(i.e., websites). In the big IA view, information architecture involves more than just the organization of a website; it also factors in user experience, thereby considering usability issues of information design. If you don’t have the time or resources for usability testing, you can launch your new IA and then make revisions based on your data.

  • IA needs to be a solid base on which you can build the user experience, but it cannot work as the whole project.
  • If you have limited time and resources, you can make educated guesses.
  • You might have a category for women’s apparel that only contains shirts and pants right now.
  • Just like map makers, designers determine what goes into the IA design.
  • Information architecture, by comparison, focuses more on the meaning and usability of the data.
  • IA can help you structure anything from a blog post to a mobile app.

With the data you’ve gathered during your research, from your users and testing, it’s time to make it count. Talk to your teams, designers, and if necessary, go back and talk to your users again. Your information architecture will evolve with your business, so staying in contact with users at every phase of the practice is essential. As an ever-evolving practice, IA design is an art as much as a skill, which is partly why large corporations have information architect positions.

Principle 4: Exemplars

If a website already has content, go through that first and decide what to keep and what to get rid of. Use a storytelling approach so that stakeholders can easily visualize and understand what you are explaining. Together find best-case scenarios, and worst-case scenarios, and think of how to prevent the latter. When the information architecture makes it easy for users to find what they are searching for, the cost of live help will decrease significantly and so will the need of the written documentation.

what is the principle of growth in information architecture

This process enables users to have more control over the context and pull data from multiple areas of a site. IA can help you structure anything from a blog post to a mobile app. With IA, you can make sure that users get important information up front or encourage them to follow a logical path to the next steps. The faster the users get to their final destination, even if that destination includes multiple options, the greater their satisfaction.

Key Takeaways Lucid chart is a flowchart maker and online diagram software. They offer different sorts of charts and diagrams, and support creation of mind maps, and wireframes. Their price for a single user is pretty low and the enterprise prices are not bad at all.

When it’s put in place with some solid best practices, you don’t even notice it’s there. Marketed as a flow chart creator and used by experts worldwide, you have the power to conjure up professional sitemaps utilizing all that this program has to offer. With numerous pre-made templates along with 250,000 shapes included, there’s more than enough to satisfy every need. The other part of the story is to connect the buyer personas with the corresponding use cases. A use case is usually a short journey-oriented story of how the user performs a particular task.

Principles of information architecture

That means making sure it’s in line with your brand and the way you want your users to perceive you. In 2010, Dan Brown, founder of design firm Eight Shapes and information architect (not the best-selling thriller author), outlined eight guiding principles for designing information architecture. Instead of going with the patterns you see and your preconceived notions of what your user wants, turn to the research and data. Let them guide you when you construct your website’s information architecture. If you need an even deeper dive, check out our article on the six stages of the UX design process. However, if their prediction about an experience is not confirmed, their flow is disrupted.

If you assume your design needs several different navigation schemes, you allow the possibility of growth within each one. Menus only have to anticipate the addition of new topics, while pages only need to anticipate new content types. Take all of the data and present it as clearly as possible, organised and labelled, with several locating methods, for users to find what they want from any entry-point.

Creating the Impossible?

Information architecture is all about organizing digital content in a way that it can be easily understood by its intended target. Often, the intended target may not be technically savvy, therefore the world of information architecture focuses on user experience (UX). Proper menu focus helps design teams better communicate (and understand themselves) what the navigation menu is for. An additional menu might live in a sidebar, but we could call it Timely Navigation if it has links to relevant subtopics.

what is the principle of growth in information architecture

If you draft wireframes prior to going into a prototype, you save valuable time and resources during the project timeline. Grouping of information in categories to form a neat and clean structure. There are three types of organizational structures to refer to — hierarchical, sequential, and matrix structure. As you scroll through each of these structures, you’ll have an idea of how to design information architecture.

The Principle of Multiple Classification

The principle is the same, only it wasn’t called information architecture, it was just good sense. In short, we don’t have much patience when it comes to bad user experience. As you complete the steps above, you might what is the principle of growth in information architecture want to make notes about navigation. Competitive research, your sitemap, and user research are all important. Website navigation that feels natural grows out of the research and planning you’ve done up to this point.

what is the principle of growth in information architecture

The four components of IA are organization, labeling, navigation, and searching systems. Understanding these systems help designers and marketers sort through and work with information seamlessly. With these three factors in mind, you can create content that appeals to users while considering how and why they engage with it.

What is it about Instagram?

Or, you might create a whole new category for accessories where you can list scarves, hats, jewelry, and more. Some, for example, may prefer to browse your site by category using sub-navigation menus. Others still may scroll down to your footer to find the navigation options, and so on.

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