How to Sketch: Tips & Techniques to Improve Your Drawings

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The sketching process will be a lot easier to tackle because it will be simplified and more manageable. This strategy should help artists who struggle what is the purpose of sketching with perfectionism. Well, in my opinion, one of the best drawing exercises for beginners is to practice drawing subjects in their simplified forms.

how to start sketching

The project works for digital and traditional artists alike. Sketching is a rough type drawing; it is the process of using a pencil, marker, pen,  or any writing technique to create a quick rough drawing. A sketch helps artists capture their ideas, observations, and thoughts into a design. It is an early and essential part of every design process.

Sketch Web Viewer

Spongebob Squarepants is a wacky cartoon character adored by children and adults alike. You are learning to put an idea into a plan and then a masterpiece later. There are no words in drawing; however, he says many things each time an artist creates art.

  • This sounds really stupid, even to me.

    I feel uncomfortable by drawing the dog’s tail first just because it’s on the left side.

  • Connecting the circles may be harder now, because you need to draw the arches.
  • He offers in-person workshops across the world, keep an eye on his Instagram for when and where if you’re interested.
  • “While the area of focus in the high-value contrast piece rests on the darkest darks against the lightest lights.”

That being said, it’s good practice to not copy a reference line for line and stroke for stroke. It is a wonderful way to experience new environments by interpreting them in your sketchbook. Not to mention, great souvenirs to take back home with you. Creative Bloq is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher.


Our beginner’s guide to drawing with pencil can help you with the rest. If you are social and spend a lot of time hanging out with your friends (or even if you are not that social!) then drawing your friends is a great opportunity. By drawing your friends you can get so many great sketching ideas. Plus, it is a great way for you to learn to draw people and work in a spontaneous manner. As you cannot expect your friends to stand still for you all the time. Because of this, you can create more gestural drawings and learn how to capture someone very quickly.

how to start sketching

Sketchcrawl is a term to describe a day of sketching, moving from place to place, with a sketching group. The organisation, ‘Urban Sketchers‘, is a global community of artists who sketch on location. They sketch what they see and are dedicated to raising the profile of on-location sketching as a visual form of storytelling and reporting. It’s about training the eye to observe and interpret the shape of the human body.

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